Bender UK Blog

Ensuring continuous operation in surgical theatres

Written by Bender UK | May 10, 2024 12:36:56 PM

The reliability of medical equipment, especially in surgical theatres, is crucial. Unfortunately, many healthcare facilities are encountering significant challenges due to the obsolescence of critical equipment such as operating tables.

This issue not only disrupts surgical procedures but also places immense pressure on EBME/Med Physics and theatre teams and impacts patient care.

The core issue lies in the inability to service or repair operating tables due to a lack of available spare parts as they become obsolete, and this problem affects a broad spectrum of stakeholders.

EBME/Medical Physics Departments

These teams face difficulties maintaining equipment operational status, leading to increased entries on the risk register and a reduction of equipment available to theatre teams.

Theatre Teams

The lack of functional equipment directly impacts their ability to perform surgeries efficiently.


The ultimate consequence of equipment failure is the increased risk of surgery cancellations or delays, affecting patient treatment outcomes.

The underlying reasons for these challenges are varied.

  • The original manufacturers of some operating tables have ceased operations or no longer support older models.
  • Many tables, expected to last around 12 years, have been used far beyond their expected lifecycle, often for over 20 years, due to budget constraints and purchasing cycles in healthcare organisations.
  • There is often a communication gap or lack of awareness regarding the lifecycle status of the equipment, leaving facilities unprepared for failures.

This scenario is heightened during critical times, such as mid-operation or preparation stages, where the need for reliable equipment is paramount, and any failure can lead to significant disruptions.